Sunday, June 24, 2012

Baby chicks!!!

On Tuesday we got our baby chicks. We picked up our 8 and Eric's 15 (brave boy!) at once. The hatchery gave us two extra. It was a TON of excitement for one day...just a few days after the big move. Crazy week!
A few hours after we got them the power went out and I couldn't use the heat lamp. Fortunately the temp outside was just perfect for our little ladies and they got fresh air the rest of the day! 
Eric picked up his 15 when he got off work that night.
The next day we had a chick die from what I believe to be "pasting." That's what one of my books calls it at least. It's when their poop accumulates on their butts instead of shooting out. Sorry, that's the best way to describe it. It was also the runt of the bunch. About a third of the size of the rest. I tried very carefully to clean it and then held it for a long time to keep it warm but it just didn't get well. It was sad, but that's part of living on the "farm." :/
So since the hatchery had given us two extra, Eric then gave us his extra to replace the runt. So now we're back to 8 again! There is actually one other chick with "pasting" but she seems to still be growing and will occasionally try to clean herself. I'm not to worried but we are keeping an eye on her.

We have two Silver Laced, two Rhode Island Reds, two Gold Stars, one Buff Orpington, and One Americana. Eric got the same and more! 

From our first day...

1 comment:

Mandi said...

So much fun!! I look forward to seeing them grow and seeing your adventures with them!