Thursday, March 29, 2012

a true Crawford

Payton has been really sick this week with fevers and strange stomach issues. We just weren't getting a handle on it and decided to take her in to make sure it wasn't sometime more serious. The doctors discovered what we knew all along. She's a Crawford, FULL of hot air.

See all those HUGE air bubbles? No wonder she's been in so much pain.
She's been putting all the rest of the Crawford to shame with her giant old man farts that are starting to come out!


Caitlin said...

Ow! Is she on a new diet or meds or something?

the crawfords said...

she's not on a new diet as of now cause i have no idea which foods caused it. the doctor actually thought it was a virus, considering the fevers with it. we started giving her mylicon (sp) drops.