Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Be the 8

Here it is everybody! It brings me great joy and excitement to be sharing this new website . . . or what's there so far, with YOU. Hopefully in the weeks to come more info will be posted AND you'll learn how to get a totally awesome Africaheart t-shirt!!! Make sure you enter your email so that you can be notified when the site is up and running and when t-shirts are ready!
bethe8 is also on Facebook so go on and LIKE it at Be the 8.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Little Ladies

Payton and her friend, "Twinkle Toes," have so much fun together!  Such little ladies they are. Payton has a true gem in this friendship just as I do in my friendship with Twinkle Toe's mom. So glad they live just right down the street. Playtime is never far away!

True Beauty

I guess . . . I think . . . beauty is in the eye of the beholder. OR so I've heard.  Not sure which eye she was looking out of though.  I just might need to have Payton's peepers checked too! Crazy girl. All markers have been confiscated.

Future Marines?

Momma's not so sure about that!!! But they sure look ready to take on the world! What a couple of good lookin' leather neck wanna Bs.

I've had this little number for a LONG time. Always have worn it white like this, but recently I got inspired by New Dress A Day and her fashion transformations! She dyes a lot to things and they always turn out so cute!

Even wore it the last time I was preggo!

A box of Rit dye, eight new buttons, and a thrifted belt! FUN FUN!

Think I have a new favorite- Brooke Fasher

Thanks for sharing Mandi! I'm diggin' this chicks style!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

From unexpected places

God just continues to amaze us. Through this adoption process I've learned a lot about people. It's been fun, exciting, discouraging, and interesting to see who God has chosen to use or not use in support of our adoptions. I'm not sure if other adopting families have experienced this or not but in our situation thus far we have experienced many gifts of money or other things from unexpected places. People who we never would have thought would have the funds or take the effort to save the funds have given many different amounts. Each one just as encouraging and important as the next. People who God has blessed with giving hearts. People who God has used to encourage us, stretch us, and challenge us in our own walks with Christ!

Yesterday we receive another gift like this that was very unexpected. Payton and I laid on the bed snuggling and reading a sweet letter from some old friends and as I stared at a check sent with it and I just marveled at God. Again and again He slowly be surely is bringing us through this. With every gift or act of support He supplies us with more confidence in HIM and joy overflowing. Payton and I laid there and thanked the Lord together. It was a sweet time. I love to watch Payton pray. I have a lot to learn from her. She closes her eyes tight to let nothing distract her and lifts her face to the sky and SMILES while she talks to our God. "Dear Jesus, I just love you so much. Thank you for money for adopting. Thank you for friends. Thank you for rain. Thank you for yummy treats. Amen." Then I pray and tears are flowing freeing in praise to a Father that cares for "the least of these." What an awesome God we serve! "Momma why are you sad and crying?" Payton asks when we're done. It is hard to explain to a child about happy tears. To them, tears are for when you get hurt or when things don't go your way or when you get disciplined. Instead for them, happy tears are replaced with jumping up and down, bouncing off the walls, and wetting in your pants a little. In that area I am sure glad that I've moved on to the adult way for expressing great happiness and joy! My face was wet, but my pants were dry. Glad for that.

Sorry my seriousness turned to humor for a moment there . . . back on track Jess.

So with that I'll leave you with news about something that I am REALLY excited about! We are in the process of making T-shirts to sell and I am telling you THEY ARE GOING TO BE REALLY COOL! The totally artistic and talented Mike Wandling did the design for them. They are almost ready to print and soon we will have more information posted about how you can get one! We will also be getting a new website up and running that will hopefully allow you to order shirts, learn about adoption, find out how you can help orphans, and get connected with other adopting families. WE ARE SO EXCITED! Look for it coming soon!

Thank you to everyone who has given time, money, and talents to helps us someday get our kiddos home! We have been so encouraged and challenged by you and your obedience to our Savior! God is so good!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

THIS is what it's about. This is POWERFUL and this is WHY we are adopting. There should be this same urgency on all our hearts! Watch the whole thing and grab your tissues! 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

We have style. Yes we do! We have style. How 'bout you?

This is proof that we have TWO daughters.

Ugly shirt to cute skirt

Ugly shirt:

 Cute skirt:

I found this item at a second hand store. I was drawn to the pattern on the bottom half but when I saw the top I instantly got the stink face. This wouldn't become an item in my closet, that was for sure. But I could see Miss Payton shorting it! It took me about five minutes to cut off the nasty top, sew a pocket for the elastic and fall in love!