Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I hope the neighbors don't call the cops!

Today I worked a lot in the yard. We are trying to get prepared to plant some grass in our half grass half dirt backyard. There were lots of sticks, rocks, dog poos, and leaves to get cleaned up. Along with getting that done I was also able to trim down a few bushes that had branches resting on the fence. This meant that I used muscles that I haven't used in a while. I'm tired tonight.

Shortly after Caedmon got home from school him and Payton were both playing up in the tree house. Soon playing turned in to arguing and arguing turned into full on fighting including a stick being thrown in someones face. Fighting is not cool. Fighting UP in the tree house is FORBIDDEN! So naturally when I heard the full on fighting, aka thrashing around and screaming like you are being murdered, I turned around from trimming the lovely lilac and yelled to get their attention. Yelling VERY loudly because remember, fighting UP in the tree house is FORBIDDEN! Both kids were scolded sternly and sent inside to have discipline and lay in their beds until I had finished my jobs outside. This wonderful afternoon out in the beautiful weather was turning gray fast.

As I went back outside to finish my work and the kids finished their punishments, I grabbed my little hand saw and got back to the bushes and thought about how embarrassing my kids were to me at times . . . even in our own backyard. Then I realized how this whole scene may have looked to some curious neighbors. THE SCENE- Kids crying, mom yelling, "Both of you go inside! You're in HUGE trouble. YOU'RE DONE!" and . . . A HAND SAW IN TOW. Oops. I hope the neighbors don't call the cops.

At supper we learned what the fight was about. Payton wanted a piece of wood up in the tree house to write "club members" names on. Caedmon did not. 

Oh, of course. Now I understand.  That's such a big deal. I would have probably thrown a stick in someones face over it too.

Tomorrow I will send the kids out to play again (minus tree house privileges) so that the neighbors can see that I did not saw up my children. In the meantime, they are all finally sleeping peacefully in their beds . . . I promise.

by Shel Silverstein

I will not play a tug o' war.
I'd rather play a hug o' war.
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs,
Where everyone giggles
And rolls on the rug,
Where everyone kisses,
And everyone grins,
And everyone cuddles,
And everyone wins.


Jonathan North said...

"Tomorrow I will send the kids out to play again so that the neighbors can see that I did not saw up my children."

I loved that line. :D

Lisa said...

Jess, you had me giggling--and I also loved your last line! You're hilarious in the midst of chaos. You're a good mommy. :)