Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Adoption update...or lack there of.

Unfortunately I have no update for you as far as when kids are coming home. There is still the investigations to go through which we are still being told they COULD take up to 6 months in the worse case scenario. We are praying it is much sooner, but also know that God's timing is best.

We did find out that our baby girl is now in the same foster home as Mr Easton and that makes us happy.  We are STILL trying to figure out a baby name. I've had a long list and Jason hasn't liked most of them. Punk.

I had fun getting a care package ready for her! Here's what we sent.
Lotion and soap, pacifiers, a puppy (got two, one to keep here in case this one doesn't come home with her), clothes, a blanket that smells like us, a picture album, and a scarf for the foster mom.
It was strange buying baby stuff! I'll have to keep my eye open at garage sales this year since we got rid of our baby things a few years ago!

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

So fun to be buying for baby again!