Sunday, October 14, 2012


We had a fun and crazy week of birthdays! It's really convenient that our girls birthdays are just 5 days apart. It makes for one big party and we get the craziness over with in one shot! I'm sure this may change the older they get but for now it's great. Next year I think we will do something smaller with just the girls close friends. Like a movie night or something easy like that!

Reagan's birthday. 3 years old! Can't believe it!
She is in a Minnie Mouse phase.

Caedmon made her a crown and an egg in a toast hole for breakfast.

Payton's birthday. 6 years old, going on 13!
As you can see, we had a very fancy breakfast that morning.

All you ladies born in the 80s, remember Fashion Plates? I had a set and LOVED them! They don't make them anymore but I did find something pretty dang close! It's called Fashion Designer and she likes it a lot.

The P-A-R-T-Y!
Payton has been trying to convince me to make her a Barbie cake for a few years now. I'm okay with my girls playing with Barbie, just wasn't too excited about a Barbie party. This was the only Barbie thing about the party. :)

And of course a Minnie Mouse cake for Reagan.

 I put out a paper pumpkin craft. I think it ended up being a little too hard for some of the kids to do on their own. Oh well.

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