Sunday, August 19, 2012

Adoption update!!!

We accepted a referral for a girl! Now we have a son and a daughter on the other side of the world waiting to be in our forever family! YAY! We are so excited! 
She is estimated to be 18 months old and is a cutie pie! Keep praying for both our African kiddos as they wait to come home and for God's continued provision!


Jen said...

NO WAY! YAYYYYY!!! So excited to hear this. Now, to get those kiddos home . . . I can't wait!

Steph said...

YAYYYY!!! Clearly I've been slacking on reading blogs this week (I wonder why?). :)

This is AWESOME news! I can't wait to see her picture and can't wait for them to come home !! Yippee! :)