Monday, May 14, 2012

Adoption Update

Some have been asking about where we're at with our adoption. I know I haven't talked much about it for a while. There hasn't been a whole lot to update. We've been waiting to hear back on some things, which I did today. Yay!
So our next payment to our agency is the biggie. It's the one that is extremely large. Looking back, I'm so grateful that this payment was not at the very beginning of the process because if would have made me very discouraged. However, now into this process for a year and a half, I can find myself discouraged with the cost of adoption, BUT because I've seen God provided so much so far it's been easier to pull myself out of that discouragement. God has done and still is doing great things whether He decides to provide it all at once or spread it out. It's still His timing and He knows much more then we do. I'm grateful for that and it's becoming easier to be to not fret.
We applied for an interest free adoption loan through Lifesong for Orphans a while ago. They called and said that currently they did not have any funds to help us out but they felt we were perfect canidates and still wanted to help. They asked for permission to send our information on to Pathways for Little Feet. Well, after a few weeks of emails and more paperwork, Pathways called today and said that we have been approved for an interest free loan! It's a good chunk of money which will help incredibly, but there will still be a lot more needed to meet our current goal.
Once we pay our current payment to our agency it sounds like we will get our referrals!!! We are so anxious to get pictures of our kiddos! Once we do, I have no idea how much longer it will be. We work on one stage at a time. :)

Maybe you've also heard that we are moving! Jason's parents are moving into a new home and we are buying their current house. We are VERY excited for the extra space, which will help so much for  when we have five kiddos. Not to mention that there isn't any updating to do and no house projects to work on. We'll be able to move in and then work on projects that we WANT to work on like gardening and chicken coops! This move is such a blessing and we are so grateful that God has lined everything up! And Jason's brother is buying our current house so we are not having the stress of finding a buyer! Praise God! We close on the house June 15th and will move in the few weeks after that depending on timing for John and Becky.  So excited!

Please pray that God would continue to provide for the adoption and give us patience as we wait.


Christy said...

Exciting news!! Thanks for the update, I had been wondering where you were at in the process!

Janel said...

Awesome! I was so excited to read this update! Praying that God will provide for this adoption - and trusting Him in faith that HE WILL! So amazing to think that He already has your kids picked out - and that you will get to see their precious faces soon. :)

Jen said...

Even though I knew you are moving, I still love thinking about the fact that God is blessing you with a bigger house. I know first hand what an incredible blessing it will be for you with more kids. Can't wait to see how God will pull off the rest of your adoption money. He will do it!