Friday, March 16, 2012


KID-isms: Funny stuff my kids say from the week, shared with you on Fridays.

Reagan and Payton talking on their play phones.
Reagan, "Yeah, yeah. Oh hi Peter Pan."
Payton, "WHAT?! You're talking to Peter Pan? He's MY boyfriend. Get off the phone with my boyfriend. (note: last week she said that she wanted to marry either her friend, Ki, or Peter Pan. Apparrently she chose Peter Pan.) Reagan, you can have Ki as your boyfriend. Call Ki."

While waiting for me to clean up the tub for their bath the girls stripped down to the nude.
Payton, "Hey mom look. We're squeezing our butt cheeks together."
I turned around to see two little bottoms being squeezed and two girls laughing really hard.

Payton singing VERY loud, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Help us praise you. Help us praise you. Praise you with a whistle. (followed by whistling) Praise you with a bounce, bounce." (followed by hopping)

While snacking on some almonds Payton says a joke about making her almonds look like boobs.
Reagan, "Look, it's a boob."
Mom, "No, that's an almond."
Reagan, "It's a boob almond."

A few days later Reagan find a half eaten almond on the floor, "Look, it's a broken boob."
Mom, "No that's a yucky almond."
Reagan, "No, it's a boob."

This week I've been working in the garage to get it cleaned up. The kids have spent that time playing in the backyard getting VERY dirty and being pretty naughty. At one point I came out to check on the girls and found them sitting at the picnic table. Sandbox buckets were set all around the table and in each other was water and some veggies. At close inspection I saw that the veggies in the "soup" were the scraps that I had thrown in the compost the day before.
Mom, "What the heck are you doing? Why were you digging in the compost? That is never okay. That is nasty!"
Payton, "Moooomm, we are playing house and we needed some food."

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