Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What? We have a 7 year old?

I am slowly but surely getting caught up on posting pictures. Very late, here are pictures from Caedmon's birthday. I can't believe that he is 7 years old already! Time is going so fast!

The day before his actual birthday we had a little party. Caedmon has recently been really into making paper airplanes so that was the "theme" for his party. I was hoping for a paper airplane making competition but it didn't happen. Oh well.

Haleigh made Caedmon a "Dave" outfit! 

Payton just had to try it on too!

The next day for his actual birthday I got to take him on a date to a local pottery store where he got to choose something to glaze. He glazed a little dog to look like Roxy. Then we went to the pool. It was fun to go with just him! That night was Hickory Park with family of course. There are a lot of birthdays in July for the Crawfords. Becky's, Eric's, and Caedmon's.

Happy 7th Caedmon!

Happy 29th Eric! (I think he is playing with Reagan in this picture and that's why he looks like a goof.)

Happy 50th Mom!

1 comment:

Jonathan North said...

Is that a candle in a bowl of Lucky Charms? That is really funny. :)