Thursday, March 31, 2011

Granola and Homemade Yogurt!

I can't take credit for this great Granola recipe. I got it a long time ago from my sister in law, Erin. I'm sure it hasn't stayed the same for her over the years. I really should get an update, but I really love it as it is right now.  I can only take about 5% credit for the posted recipe because I've added some things. I have a hard time leaving a recipe alone . . . even if it's pretty great to begin with.

5 cups old fashion rolled oats
3/4 cup flaked coconut
3/3 cup sliced almonds
3/4 cup honey
1/4 cup apple sauce
2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1 cup flaxseed meal 
3 cups dried cranberries (add after baking)
I've also made this with dried blueberries before and it was SO good. This week I used dried cranberries and golden grapes. Maybe my favorite so far.
Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Spread onto a cookie sheet. Bake @ 300 degrees for 30-35 min. stirring at 15 mins. I always have to bake it WAY longer when I make a double or triple batch like I usually do. It depends on how you like your granola.

Payton had so much fun pouring and mixing all the ingredients in a big bowl. She was very proud and excited to eat the finished product! Our kids love this granola and just eat it like cereal with milk. FYI this jar is almost gone and I made it on Monday. Good thing there's another batch in the freezer! I prefer it dry as a snack or on top of yogurt. Yum.

Speaking of yogurt! I also made homemade yogurt this week . . . in my crock pot! It turned out great and next time I will be making a double batch for sure! Yay for Probiotics that my family really needs right now after several months of being in and out of sicknesses!
The steps to making your own yogurt are so easy and way cheaper then buying a good quality yogurt! My dear friend, Caitlin, got brave with me this week and decided to make some too. She saved me a step and blogged about it.  Thanks Caitlin! Check it out here-Crock pot Yogurt! Dessert for me tonight was yogurt with granola on top! Just wish I had some frozen blueberries!

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

Yum-o! (We should update your blog tonight! I keep forgetting you want to do that. ;)