Thursday, February 3, 2011

embrace the camera-feb. 3

Today's embrace the camera comes to you from a pile of Zingo tiles and beautiful ladies on the floor! We've had Zingo for a very long time but  apparently it is the new obsession in our house. After one game the tiles were all over the floor thanks to Miss Reagan. Picking them up became interesting. A boot and a stinking diaper in my face? No thank you! Snuggles with my two favorite gals? Yes please! I guess Roxy felt like it was important to get her foot in the picture. Wish I could rock black fingernails as good as her!

 Well, I'm not sure that's very pretty either but at least I don't have a boot in the face!


Caitlin said...

Haha! You ladies are nuts!

emily anderson said...

such fun pictures---i'm so curious what the game is though!

the crawfords said...

mrs. anderson,
i've sort of been stocking your blog! i love seeing your creativity and we're adopting too so it's always fun to read about other families doing the same. also, our boys have the same names, which is crazy cause i've never heard of another caedmon!