Monday, November 1, 2010

Random Q&A with Payton

What’s your favorite…
color? purple and blue and pink
sport? basketball
shirt? the purple kitty one.
restaurant? El Azteca
food? chocolate
treat? rice krispie treats
drink? apple cider
weather? snow
book? princess books
toy? polly pockets
animal? monkey
story from the Bible? that little person was up in the tree, and then Jesus said, " YOU COME DOWN! I'm going to your house today."
letter? P
thing to learn about? how to camp. (we watch a lot of survival shows in our household)
Who are your friends? Ki and Ella and Patty and Lydia and Caitlin and Mom and Papa and Caedmon and Reagan and Kitty and Roxy and girls at church and grandpas and grandmas and that's all that I like.
Are you going to get married when you’re older? yep. 
What happens when you get married? um, get babies in your tummy.
How old will you be when you get married? maybe 10.
Who do you think you will marry? P-maybe Papa.  Mom- you can't marry Papa. He's your papa and he's already married to me.  P-maybe a different guy.  Mom- Who?  P- I don't know any other guy names.
What do you want to do for work when you’re bigger? I want to do like selling stuff and buying stuff. Like, toys and bikes. Selling bikes and new pens.
What was the best part of your life so far? God
Is there new stuff you can do now that you’re 4? ride a bike. stay dry. always obey. (ha! sure!)
What will you be able to do when you turn 5? obey as much as I can.
Who’s cooler – Mom or Papa? Papa
What do you want to teach Reagan while you’re 4? About princesses.
How old will you be when you start driving a car? um, 10. Cause that means I get bigger like a grown up.
Where do you want to go this year? to a basketball game
How old do you think Mom is? I don't even know. I can't even guess.  
Do you like all these question? it's annoying.


Caitlin said...

HILARIOUS! I guess she and Ki won't be getting married, since she'll be 10 and he'll be 76...

rebadawn said...

You just can't help but love that girl!!! :) :) She makes me smile!!

Shantel said...

Very funny!