Saturday, October 2, 2010

My brain hurts!

Ok, my brain officially hurts. It's for a good reason though.
I've hardly even begun to scratch the surface of all the little details of adoption. I'm talking about the forms and applications and financing  . . . oh my. I'm lost and my brain hurts but I'm trying to get a grasp as to where to start. Thankfully there are many other families in our church who are in the process of adoption, steps ahead of us, and they are going to be our wealth of knowledge! The Lee's were over last night to talk adoption with us. It was so encouraging! . . .  and then discouraging. The issue is money. That is our GIANT roadblock. The roadblock that God probably sees as a little pebble in the road. So the cost of adoption can be discouraging, but I know we serve an Almighty God who can totally provide where He sees fit and can also help us through our simpleminded searchings of other ways to finance this journey! First step - appointment made to start giving plasma regularly. It's such a small amount of money compared to what we are going to need, but it's a dent in it at least. Not to mention the value in getting to just sit there and read or, as Tori Haverkamp would put it, "let God brush my hair."

So tonight as I was looking at different websites that offer grants and such I thought that I should start writing some of this stuff down. Mostly I'm wanting to write myself notes, a to do list, and keep a little time line of our journey so that I can look back at the days and remember what was happening when and so forth. I remembered that I had an old journal from a long time ago that I had hardly used and thought it would work great. It's one of those that has a different verse for everyday at the bottom of the page. Awesome. Perfect for this. On the cover was "And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us . . . " Psalm 90:17. SWEET! So I just had to get out my own Bible and read the whole chapter! This is what stuck out!

14 Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love,
      so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives.
 15 Give us gladness in proportion to our former misery!
      Replace the evil years with good.
 16 Let us see your miracles again;
      let our children see your glory at work.
 17 And may the Lord our God show us his approval
      and make our efforts successful.
      Yes, make our efforts successful!

Ok, I have nothing left to say after that except, wow! I can't wait to see HIM at work!

1 comment:

Tori said...

This is so excellent Jess! I am so proud of you! I love how you are searching the scriptures for your stability. Keep doing it! Love you!