Sunday, September 26, 2010

Boys will be boys and girls will be girls

Something funny that I notice every time that we help in Caedmon's class at church is the difference between how boys and girls act. Yes I see this in my own home everyday but it becomes way more obvious when you have a room full of 25 six and seven year olds.

For example:
While sitting at the craft table, two girls sang gloriously made up songs while carefully working on their crafts and occasionally taking a peek at what the girl next to her was designing. The boys at the table all wanted the blue paper, blue ink pad, and blue marker . . . cause every boy knows it's the manliest color out there. They also worked on their crafts quickly, unless they were on the artistic side like my son.

Moving on to the table where there were these little grid frame things that the kids could create pictures with by putting different colored plastic nails thingys into. Not sure what they are called. Anyways, the girls all tried making flowers or little people while the boys (my son) created an alien with a couple dozen eyeballs. "He must like aliens cause that's all he's been talking about." a girl says to me.

Next we move on it the floor where a Lego center is set up. Surprisingly there were no girls at this station. Maybe that's because the boys were already using every single Lego person's head to make multiple headed Lego people and the only people left for the girls to play with were headless. Ew gross.

Next to that were the Lincoln Logs. There were only girls at this station because right next to the Lincoln Logs was the "Reading Corner." The reading corner was set up with a box of many books to choose from, a few bean bags, and a kids picnic table. Oddly enough though, no reading was happening in this reading corner. Instead there were a about five boys shoving each other into the bean bags or jumping from the kiddie table onto the bean bags like animals hunting prey. Boys.

These are things I notice almost every time we serve in a kids class at church. It reminds me of how God has made male and female very different. It's humorous to see it at this young age. I strongly believe in nature vs. nurture people. That's how God rolls.

There's one thing in common that many of these 6 and 7 year olds have though. Not all, but many of them like to eat their boogers.

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

That's so funny! And gross. Ki's a frequent picker, but hasn't started eating...hope he doesn't pick that up.